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Secure cert for "www" but oscommerce links drop www


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We've installed a secure certificate that validates by domain name (www.formomandbaby.com), but from within oscommerce, links change to just "formomandbaby.com" and drop the www, causing a security alert to appear in some browsers. Is there a way to change the configuration somehow to specify the path should always include "www" .. I didn't see it in the admin anywhere.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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when you purchase a SSL cert you must specify if it is to be www.mydomain.com or my domain.com. It makes little odds I have configured shops here using both. You cannot access the https area using https://www if you have not purchased the cert. for www.mydomain. It can some times depend on the clients browser security levels when the warnings come up.


Paypal is constantly showing warnings for me, and i would imagine they should have it sorted ;-)



Hope this helps.





We've installed a secure certificate that validates by domain name (www.formomandbaby.com), but from within oscommerce, links change to just "formomandbaby.com" and drop the www, causing a security alert to appear in some browsers. Is there a way to change the configuration somehow to specify the path should always include "www" .. I didn't see it in the admin anywhere.


Thanks in advance for your help.

Sean Owens

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edit includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php files and take out the www. from the name of your domain and from the http and https cookie domains.





I guess you mean "and include the www. in" instead of take it out.. I'll give that a try. Thank you. :)

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