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Privacy Notice or Conditions of Use...


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For more complex sites, international sites and such, you may want to look also at this, which we have found to be very nice for helping to build a Privacy Notice solution for such 'more difficult' environments.


Developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, as part of their respected Building Partnerships for Progress program, it is very easy to use online, FREE, really intuitive, and quickly gives you a complete, immediately usable solution, downloadable and importable into OsCommerce, which you can manipulate with normal tools you are probably using today. You can also go back to their site, later, and use it to help you update your 'old' statement when/if your conditions change. It is thorough, professional and it has effectively 'almost no learning curve'...it is that well designed and tested!


Always be sure to get an expert opinion after you do and tweek your draft, to make sure that you are really compliant with local requirements in your area. ...of course...



We would like to provide a link to the OECD Privacy Statement Generator at



Good luck... :thumbsup:

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