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Change href on logo


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My shopping cart logo is linked back to the shopping cart. I want the link to goto my homepage. Does anybody know how I can change the href for this?


Also, how do I edit the Navigation bar link that says "Top" to say "Home". I looked and looked and couldn't find any place to change this in the .php files.




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For the first, in your includes/header.php file, you will find the link to FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART.Change that to '/' (include the apostrophes).



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For the first, in your includes/header.php file, you will find the link to FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART.Change that to '/' (include the apostrophes).





I tried this and it did not work....does anybody know why?


Hi Nate


I have no idea about the first thing.... but for Top to Home I you could look at this



I tried this solution for changing the text "Top" on the navigation bar and it did not work...any ideas?

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A change needs to be made to a function for it to work. It is made by several contributions so I didn't think to have you check it. Do this. Open the includes/functions/html_output.php file and find this line:

	if ($connection == 'NONSSL') {

Place the following right before it:

	if ($page == '/') $page = '';



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A change needs to be made to a function for it to work. It is made by several contributions so I didn't think to have you check it. Do this. Open the includes/functions/html_output.php file and find this line:
	if ($connection == 'NONSSL') {

Place the following right before it:

	if ($page == '/') $page = '';





Thanks for all the help! I inserted the above code and still the logo is linked to the shopping cart and not the homepage. Do you think, when I installed osCommerce that I should have changed the URL to www.mydomain.com instead of leaving it as the default www.mydomain.com/shopping_cart?? would this matter at all and if so, what do I need to do now?

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I think you are getting confused here. You appear to have installed osCommerce in a folder, but it wouldn't be called 'shopping_cart'. Tell us where you installed it at, what the folder is called, and we might be able to help more.



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I think you are getting confused here. You appear to have installed osCommerce in a folder, but it wouldn't be called 'shopping_cart'. Tell us where you installed it at, what the folder is called, and we might be able to help more.



I installed osCommerce via my webhost SupremeServer23's free scripts onto the www/mydomain.com/ directory and created a folder called "shopping_cart" which is where all the osCommerce files were installed.


When I installed the software at one of the steps, I don't remember which one, it asks to confirm URL's. It says "Do not change these unless you know what you are doing"....so naturally I left them alone...haha Anyway, the URL was www.mydomain.com/shopping_cart/ because I installed osCommerce in that folder.


So basically, all I want is for my logo in the header to point back to my homepage "http://www.mydomain.com" instead of the shopping cart page http://mydomain.com/shopping_cart/index.php


I hope that will clarify what I want to do...thanks Vger and Jack.

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Well, first of all I wouldn't put osCommerce in a folder that has a name with an underscore in it. I'd rename the 'shopping_cart' folder to something like 'cart' and edit the two configure.php files.


The link to the osCommerce homepage is in includes/header.php, and it goes ike this:


<td valign="middle"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'oscommerce.gif', 'osCommerce') . '</a>'; ?></td>


change it like this:


<td valign="middle"><a href="http://www.yourdomain.com"><img src="images/oscommerce.gif" width=*** height=*** border=0 alt="***"></a></td>



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Well, first of all I wouldn't put osCommerce in a folder that has a name with an underscore in it. I'd rename the 'shopping_cart' folder to something like 'cart' and edit the two configure.php files.


The link to the osCommerce homepage is in includes/header.php, and it goes ike this:


<td valign="middle"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'oscommerce.gif', 'osCommerce') . '</a>'; ?></td>


change it like this:


<td valign="middle"><a href="http://www.yourdomain.com"><img src="images/oscommerce.gif" width=*** height=*** border=0 alt="***"></a></td>




Perfect!! thanks Vger

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