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The e-commerce.

Linking to Manufacturers


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I'm stuck on a data problem.


I replaced the small buy now button that shows up when listing products in a category with a button that just says "Manufacturers". This shows now in place of the buy now.


So far so good.


What I can not get for the life of me is how to have it link that button to the manufacturers URL. I've used this exact same code successfully on the products_info page, but it will not pull the value or products_url from the product_listing page. It pulls the name just fine which is in the products_desc but will not pull the url.


Here is the code:

			 $lc_text =  '<a href="http://' . $listing['products_url']. '" target="_new">' . $listing['products_url'] . tep_image_button('manufacture_now.gif') . '</a>';


Can anybody give me any clue as to why it will work on the products_info page but will not work on the products_listing page?


As always, ANY help here would be GREATLY appreciated!


After several days of searchings, I finally found a reference to a contribution on the oxsdoc site that dealt with the same page.


I was able to see from the contribution where to add the code. Not very much at all.


Had to add code to index.php and advance_search_result.php to get it to show up.


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