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The e-commerce.

Step 2 of installation doesnt show up


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I am trying to install the lastest version of osCommerce and having some issues. After coping the catalog directory to my apache htdocs directory, I open firefox and go to http://localhost/install which works fine. I click install, and it brings up the next page. I dont uncheck any boxes or anything, and click continue. At this point the screen just recycles and never continues.


I have chmod 777 the configure.php scripts and this has not helped.


I get no other errors at all. I can do the manual install and get the web page to display the sample data. But, after doing this and editing the admin/configure.php with the correct values the admin page starts to display the same symptoms as the install page did. What am i doing wrong? Tell me what files you need to see and I will post them...






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same thing here,


i applied the global registers patch and copied the catalog file to the server.


after typing in the database information, the following page doesn't show up ( or more precisely only the top page is seen).



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I have exactly the same problem when installing oscommerce. Im running PHP5, MySQL 4x on a Windows platform and second screen lower half is blank. I did try to revert back to an older copy of PHP but then it came up with another error.

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Hi - I'm new to oscommerce! :P


I'm having exactly the same problem. I cannot progress past the first "Please customize the new installation" screen during installation. Pressing continue just makes the same page reappear.


Does osCommerce not play well with PHP5? I'm running PHP 5.0.4 with Apache 2.0.54 on Windows 2000.




EDIT: Oops - a better search means I've answered my own question. osCommerce is incompatible with PHP5. Sorry for the noise.

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