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Shipping & Billing on checkout?


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Is there a mod or anything to allow customers to check out with a billing and shipping address? I use verisign, and check the AVS and CSC on all orders, but sometimes my customers want an item shipped to an address other than their billing.


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I'm just now setting up the store, and when I do a mock order I get one address for checkout. My other store (using Miva Merchant) has a ship to and bill to address on checkout. Is there another step?


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When you get to your checkout_shipping.php page you'll see your shipping address listed as well as an option to change address. When you select change address you'll be sent to checkout_shipping_address.php where you are able to change/add shipping addresses. The billing address will remain the same.


The billing/shipping addresses can also be changed/added in your account information page. "View or change entries in my address book."


To be honest I don't think the address system is all that clear. With "address book" I immediately think email, not physical addresses, so I might not even check that. When I'm changing my address am I changing my billing or shipping address? It's a bit confusing as there are no billing/shipping labels. Just primary.


I haven't used this, but this contribution looks like it might make things a little easier to follow.




Not sure if there is anything else out there, but I'd be interested to know if there is.

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