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Changing subcategory page


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Being new to OSC, I'm still learning, so thanks in advance for this (I'm sure) simple question.


I have OSC setup and running fine. I have created 4 categories. In one category, what I want displayed is information. Basically the "base" product information for a product that will be in the subcategory. Here's a representation of what I want.


Main Page

Widgets (when selected, shows general information on widgets)

Metal Widgets (can purchase product with product options)

Plastic Widgets (can purchase product with product options)

Organic Widgets (can purchase product with product options)


How do I change the "Widgets" page? Right now it goes to catalog/index.php?cPath=22 while the Metal Widgets goes to catalog/index.php?cPath=22_30.


Alternatively, I would be very happy changing the Widgets page to have that information at the top under the store name and above the the products instead of having sub categories.


How can I do either/both?


Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.


Thanks in advance!

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