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Possible to seperate Configure.php files by placing on different server?


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Hi all,


I have recently signed up with an additional new website host (so I now have 2 hosts). My website files will remain with the original host, however, I want the store mySQL database to be run from the new host.


My problem is that the new host does not allow remote access to their databases! What this means is me having to move my files to the new host (thereby losing my original domain name) and directly refer the database to "localhost." Alternatively, I will have to transfer the domain to the new host - which I do not want to do for various reasons (most importantly, because the new host already has 2 domains running frmo it!)


Is is possible to place the admin and catalog configure.php files with the new host, and then change the osc files so they look for the configure.php files with the new host? If so, what files will need to be changed, and are there any forseeable problems with this method?


Many thanks for any help that I may get!



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Moving the config files won't help you in any way. You already said it - you can't remotely access the db.


The shop can't run if it can't access the database no matter what you put in the config files.

Local: Mac OS X 10.5.8 - Apache 2.2/php 5.3.0/MySQL 5.4.10 • Web Servers: Linux

Tools: BBEdit, Coda, Versions (Subversion), Sequel Pro (db management)

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If both sites have their own dedicated ip addresses then your host may let you through the firewall - but forget about it if you're using a shared ip address for both sites.



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Thanks AlanR and vger for your comments, much appreciated!


You have confirmed my fears... I'm going to have to transfer domains!


cheers and best regards,



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