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Get rid of the Boxes Titles ARROWS!


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Hi everyone,


very quick easy problem... but I'm stuck and what's the best way to find out? By getting help here...


So, as you all know, there are those tiny tiny arrows next to some of the boxes' titles, used as link.

Well, it don't like them like most of all of us and I created links on the titles themselves instead.


Now I need to delete the arrows but I don't know where I can do that...

I'm assuming that deleting the actual image will not be a good programming fix, so even though it might work, I want to do it properly avoiding any future bugs...


Can anyone help out?


Thanks so much in advance...

Sorry if it was a dumb question but I'm like 99% done with the website and ready to get started... I'm very excited and I don't want to spend 2 hours trying to find out about this by myself...


Really appreciate!


Mat :thumbsup:

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here is an example the files are located in catalog/includes/boxes/ I will use specials.php for this example


	new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, false, tep_href_link(FILENAME_SPECIALS));


change to


	new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, false);


basically remove the tep_href_link filename part and the comma and space before it

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