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Attribute Sets Plus


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I think this is a super contribution, and works for most of what I need, although I have a simple problem that I think is related in some way.


1. I have the sets all working and they show on my products, but for some reason when you click 'buy now' from the index page or categorie page, you get linked to the product_info page and not straight to the Cart.


2. With products without any attributes added at all, they do get added to the cart page.



Has anyone had this problem with attributes and is there a known support thread?


Any reply would be super!




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You can play around with the sort order in product_info.php


If you look at the query in section 6 of the attributes sets plus install, you have to change the sql query to include all the necessary tables and link info for the order by part of the statement. If you have a contribution as I do which provides a case switch and then multiple different versions of the queries, you will have to manually copy the bits about pase.sort_order into all of the relevant queries otherwise you will only get the right sort order on some drop downs.


Hi Colin,


Thank you for that tip. I'm really new at this though, so am not fully understanding how I might do this. Is there any way you can sort of show me how you did it, maybe with some examples from your code?


Also, as Chris suggested, I removed the code for Attributes Sets Plus from my product_info.php file as having it in made my attributes all disappear. When I removed the ASP code from product_info.php my attributes came back, though in the wrong mixed up order again :(


I would so appreciate any help anyone can share. This is driving me crazy :o




Edited by surfbug
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Thans for that fix - I had the same problem, went thru the install 3 times tinking I was an idiot, you proved I am not I now have this great option working for a pizza parlor set - THANK YOU!!!



Contributions I use: DynaMenus - Light Box - Best Sellers Content Box - Related Products 3.2 - UPS XML - Secure Admin Login - Vendor Locator - Graphical Borders.

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I am getting this error message? ANyone knows how to fix?


1264 - Out of range value adjusted for column 'products_attributes_sets_id' at row 1


insert into products_attributes_sets (products_attributes_sets_id, products_attributes_sets_name, products_options_id) values ('','bbb',3)



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I am getting this error message? ANyone knows how to fix?


1264 - Out of range value adjusted for column 'products_attributes_sets_id' at row 1


insert into products_attributes_sets (products_attributes_sets_id, products_attributes_sets_name, products_options_id) values ('','bbb',3)




I finally figured it out:


In admin/products_attributes_sets.php


CHange all



values ('',




values ('0',



There are two instances around line 267-257

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Has anybody added this contribution to work with EASYPOPULATE???


If so, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know!


I'd loved to be able to add a column for "attribute sets" in my easypopulate files.





Nobody has done this?? Somebody please help! :(

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i hope someone is still watching this post. I have an issue with my site. I have installed this and it seemed to be working GREAT.....good concept and very easy to set values, only issue i have how ever is when i assign 2 sets to 1 product, only 1 set will work correctly. When i add to cart only 1 set will display the correct information, the other shows something was added, but it doesnt know what.




all product attributes at the bottom.


If you start adding some products u will see my issue.


the top 6 or so are 1 set the rest are a linked components set. if someone could help it would be great. Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi !

Does someone know a contribution which manges multiple Options for one products ?


lets say:



Skirt (Total Stock 45 pcs)


Option 1 (Master):


Black (Stock 30 pcs)

white (Stock 15 pcs)


Option 2 (Slave):


(Black): available sizes 34 (Stock 10 pcs.) ,36 (Stock 10 pcs.) ,38 (Stock 10 pcs.)

White: available sizes 34 (Stock 5 pcs.) ,40 (Stock 5 pcs.) ,44 (Stock 5 pcs.)


I would call it "Master Attributes Controller with Stock control (and Images) ?


The Problem is, that in clothes often a minimum of 2 (Size and Colour) are used for products, but there is no

way to control it.

OSC Webmakers Edition modiefied with many other contribs and enhancements.

+ STS 4.5.7 for 2.2MS2 and RC1

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Ok! After much trail and tribulation I got this add-on installed and I can't WAIT to use it.


The problem is (I think), I am using STS. So, I cannot see the drop down. If I add a normal attribute it works great, but if I choose to add a set of attributes through this mod it never shows in the product info page.


Has anyone run in to this problem before? I am SO close to being able to get this to work. I can't wait. I have very standard product attributes (Green, red, blue, etc) so this mod is EXACTLY what I need if I can get it to show up and work.


Btw, I get no errors or any problems anymore except for the fact the drop-down never shows up as an option on the product info pages. Everything seems to be working exactly as anticipated.



-- Thanks!!!!!!!




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To remove sets edit the product and use the remove facility there. Do not use the attributes_sets_edit.php to remove sets - it does not work; this a known issue. I have it fixed as a part of recent work but no testers appear to be interested so it sits alone and neglected on my pc along with global updates (whcih lets you add and remove sets to the whole database or specific manufacturers. :(


Send the code changes up for the "remove facility" and I'll test for you. :)




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Running eJoomCommerce - A Joomla.org mod of OS Commerce.


I'm getting this error:


Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/mysite/public_html/administrator/components/com_oscommerce/includes/functions/database.php on line 48



select products_options_id, products_options_name from TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS order by products_options_name




Any idea why?

I've also noticed (and worked through) tep_function_name errors - where the function/fixed value is not being recognized.


I know this is a variation of os commerce, but I have used attribute sets plus on other sites (normal OS Commerce) and just love it. Awesome module!

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can somebone show me screen shot of this attributes ? It would be helpful for everybody considering to install this attribute to understand it better.


As requested images below. Additional editting opportunities are added by a clickable icon against catalog product listing and the sets creation pages, but gives you a good taste.





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This looks like a great contribution and I'm really looking forward to using it However I've got a few error messages kicking up.


I get this error message on each of my product pages...


Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/smoutfit/public_html/includes/functions/database.php on line 99

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this sounds like a great contribution, but the big thing i see that is missing is the following:




and +/- price




I don't understand what you mean by either of these. Can you expand please.

Edited by toasty
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This looks like a great contribution and I'm really looking forward to using it However I've got a few error messages kicking up.


I get this error message on each of my product pages...


Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/smoutfit/public_html/includes/functions/database.php on line 99


You need to supply more information. Please provide the entire error message and following information that identifies the error statement.

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Hi all;

Please forgive me as I am a real newbie at this and need

someones help with installing this contrib.

I basically need help with creating the 3 new tables into

my database via MyPhPAdmin as I've never done before.

Could someone please give me some general instructions

as to how I would do this and what codeing from the list

below I need to use to create the new tables :


# The 'drop table' commands should only be uncommented if your are re-installing

# attributes sets plus for any reason. For a first time install they are not required.


# drop table products_attributes_sets;

CREATE TABLE products_attributes_sets (

products_attributes_sets_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

products_attributes_sets_name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',

products_options_id int (11) NOT NULL default '',

PRIMARY KEY (products_attributes_sets_id)




# drop table products_attributes_sets_to_products;

CREATE TABLE products_attributes_sets_to_products (

products_attributes_sets_to_products int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

products_attributes_sets_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

products_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

PRIMARY KEY (products_attributes_sets_to_products)



# drop table products_attributes_sets_elements;

CREATE TABLE products_attributes_sets_elements (

products_attributes_sets_elements_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

products_attributes_sets_id int(11) NOT NULL,

options_values_id int(11) NOT NULL,

options_values_price decimal (15,4) NOT NULL default '0.00',

price_prefix char(1) NOT NULL default '+',

sort_order int(11) NOT NULL default '1',

PRIMARY KEY (products_attributes_sets_elements_id)



Thank you very much for your time and assistance,


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How to create tables:


Got to your phpmydadmin page.

Click on the database for the shop you are updating.

Click on the 'SQL' tab.

Copy the script exactly as it is (without the drop table line) to the SQL script editing box


e.g. for the first table open the text file and paste this (from a notepad file - NOT a rich text editor like word!):

CREATE TABLE products_attributes_sets (

products_attributes_sets_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

products_attributes_sets_name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',

products_options_id int (11) NOT NULL default '',

PRIMARY KEY (products_attributes_sets_id)



then click 'Go'.

Then do the same for the other tables.

Voila - easy peasy.




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How to create tables:


Got to your phpmydadmin page.

Click on the database for the shop you are updating.

Click on the 'SQL' tab.

Copy the script exactly as it is (without the drop table line) to the SQL script editing box


e.g. for the first table open the text file and paste this (from a notepad file - NOT a rich text editor like word!):

CREATE TABLE products_attributes_sets (

products_attributes_sets_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

products_attributes_sets_name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',

products_options_id int (11) NOT NULL default '',

PRIMARY KEY (products_attributes_sets_id)



then click 'Go'.

Then do the same for the other tables.

Voila - easy peasy.





Thank you, thank you Chris. Your help is very much appreciated. Hopefully

I can handle the rest without any problems. (crossing fingers) If not, I'm

sure I'll be back lol.


Thanks again hon,


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Hi Chris;

I did have another quick question for you.

In the folder Linkmatics_ASP-database ...... Do

I need to add this codeing as well? If so, where?


Thanks in advance,



Never mind ..... I figured it out as I went through the install

instructions farther down. :)

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