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Active Countries


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Version 2.10 was released with the following modifications:


Is the upgrade procedure from 2.02 to just re-import both .sql files and go through comparing changes in files or does something else need to be done?

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well you can do that, the sql changes are easy. The difficult part are the files; you need to go through every step from the documentation and compare the changes. Or you could check the files included between versions 2.02 and 2.10. I will have to make a script to automatically do that between versions somehow. There are quite few versions and has to be a way to include upgrade instructions easily.


Most files were changed with this version. Usually if it's a minor update I will increment the lower version digit. In this case there were quite few mods so I did skipped to v2.10.

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Im not sure where I went wrong but ust have missed something.

I upload the sql files with phpAdmin and browsed the tables all fields are there.


When I go to (admin/countries.php?) I get the following error:



Country ISO Codes Status Pay Ship Sort Action

1054 - Unknown column 'countries_pay_status' in 'field list'


select countries_id, countries_name, countries_status, countries_pay_status, countries_ship_status, sort_id, countries_iso_code_2, countries_iso_code_3, address_format_id from countries order by countries_status desc, sort_id, countries_name limit 0, 20




I have restored and applied the MOD twice now.


Thanks fro the help.

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yes the sql file was incorrect In countries_custom.sql


These 2 lines.

ALTER TABLE `countries` ADD `countries_status_pay` tinyint(1) default '1' not null;
ALTER TABLE `countries` ADD `countries_status_ship` tinyint(1) default '1' not null;


should been

ALTER TABLE `countries` ADD `countries_pay_status` tinyint(1) default '1' not null;
ALTER TABLE `countries` ADD `countries_ship_status` tinyint(1) default '1' not null;


I will upload the corrected sql

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yes the sql file was incorrect In countries_custom.sql


These 2 lines.

ALTER TABLE `countries` ADD `countries_status_pay` tinyint(1) default '1' not null;
ALTER TABLE `countries` ADD `countries_status_ship` tinyint(1) default '1' not null;


should been

ALTER TABLE `countries` ADD `countries_pay_status` tinyint(1) default '1' not null;
ALTER TABLE `countries` ADD `countries_ship_status` tinyint(1) default '1' not null;


I will upload the corrected sql



Hehe, I ran into the same problem, it's an easy one to fix with a global search-replace though.


Very nice contribution, it gets around a problem I was facing with a site I'm working on - previously I was forcing the zones drop-down box to show in the code based on the fact that there's only one country, but it was a bit clunky and I didn't like the idea that the site wasn't expandable to a multi-country site.


I have one request of you, though - the install instructions is very detailed and nicely laid out, however when it comes to modding the admin/customers.php file it simply states "Override the file with the one in the contribution" which I can't do - I've made loads of mods to customer.php, not least the fact that I'm using SPPC. I've tried to pick out the mods manually but I'm obviously missing something somewhere because I just get a blank page. Would it be possible to have a breakdown of the code mods for that file like you've done with all the other files?


One small additional point - there are a load of missing TABLE_HEADING and TEXT_INFO defs from the admin/countries.php file and the global update doesn't seem to work. Not that I'm worried particularly as I don't plan to ever use this part of the package, but just as a head-up.

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One small additional point - there are a load of missing TABLE_HEADING and TEXT_INFO defs from the admin/countries.php file and the global update doesn't seem to work. Not that I'm worried particularly as I don't plan to ever use this part of the package, but just as a head-up.


Yes there are missing strings from the catalog\admin\includes\languages\english\countries.php. The active countries strings should been:

//-MS- Active Countries Added
define('TABLE_HEADING_STATUS', 'Status');
define('TABLE_HEADING_SORT', 'Sort');
define('IMAGE_UPDATE_SORT', 'Update Sort Order');
define('TABLE_HEADING_GLOBAL_OPTIONS', 'Database Global Options');
define('TEXT_INFO_CONTROL_COUNTRIES', 'All Countries State');
define('TEXT_INFO_CONTROL_PAY', 'All Countries Payment State');
define('TEXT_INFO_CONTROL_SHIP', 'All Countries Shipping State');
//-MS- Active Countries Added EOM


Will be corrected with the next version. I would like to know which part of the global options is not working. I tried it here again and all seem to work as documented.


I have one request of you, though - the install instructions is very detailed and nicely laid out, however when it comes to modding the admin/customers.php file it simply states "Override the file with the one in the contribution" which I can't do - I've made loads of mods to customer.php, not least the fact that I'm using SPPC. I've tried to pick out the mods manually but I'm obviously missing something somewhere because I just get a blank page. Would it be possible to have a breakdown of the code mods for that file like you've done with all the other files?

Well I thought about it but the customers.php (along with every other file which states to override) is so heavilly modified that is not usable to list manual instructions. So....in your case here is what you do:

Open your catalog\admin\includes\boxes\customers.php. Replicate the first line with a different string & filename. This will create an extra entry in the box. Copy your original customers.php with a different name (this new filename you placed in the box line) and finally add the filename in the catalog\admin\includes\filenames.php. So now you have your original with sppc and your active countries one. The alternative will be to combine all in one but you need your store working in the meantime so you do it when you have time.

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Well I thought about it but the customers.php (along with every other file which states to override) is so heavilly modified that is not usable to list manual instructions. So....in your case here is what you do:

Open your catalog\admin\includes\boxes\customers.php. Replicate the first line with a different string & filename. This will create an extra entry in the box. Copy your original customers.php with a different name (this new filename you placed in the box line) and finally add the filename in the catalog\admin\includes\filenames.php. So now you have your original with sppc and your active countries one. The alternative will be to combine all in one but you need your store working in the meantime so you do it when you have time.



The problem is that due to the global changes I've made with this mod, the existing admin/customers.php now doesn't work at all - I just get a blank screen, so that work-around isn't possible,

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The thing is, with an open-source system like OSC there's a good chance any site is going to be modified from the "stock" package, so you can't really get away with just saying "replace the existing file with this one." I've added the Account Create In Admin plus SPPC (which I've heavily modified for my own purposes) so in order to install any further mods I need to see where the changes have been applied so I can incorporate it into my existing code.


Sorry, I don't mean to sound like I'm preaching to someone as experienced as you, Enigma but you understand my problem and I'm sure I'm not the only OSC user who is in this situation!

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The thing is, with an open-source system like OSC there's a good chance any site is going to be modified from the "stock" package, so you can't really get away with just saying "replace the existing file with this one." I've added the Account Create In Admin plus SPPC (which I've heavily modified for my own purposes) so in order to install any further mods I need to see where the changes have been applied so I can incorporate it into my existing code.


Sorry, I don't mean to sound like I'm preaching to someone as experienced as you, Enigma but you understand my problem and I'm sure I'm not the only OSC user who is in this situation!

well I do not know the admin plus sppc details. And I do not see how its feasible to help with various combinations of contributions. You could use winmerge and see the differences between the stock and the active countries customers.php files. But if I documented change by change for this file it would create more problems. It's not practical to list 100 changes for a single file and it will definetely create integration problems.


If I get the chance I may include a "differences" file with future releases that will show the different parts. But again that will be an automated output of a file comparison tool and nothing more between the stock osc file and the moded one for active countries..


So I need a straight answer for this problem you described to be able to help. Are you saying that you're using the customers.php file from the active countries (without your mods) and does not work with your store?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Use version 2.10 with the 2.10 sql file and the strings fix from post #207 in this page.





Just installed and it works great but I can't get it to work with the Fast Easy Checkout contrib. It uses a different create_account file and the code is different. Im stuck at steps 4e, f & g.


Hope someone can help.





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Just installed and it works great but I can't get it to work with the Fast Easy Checkout contrib. It uses a different create_account file and the code is different. Im stuck at steps 4e, f & g.


Hope someone can help.






Sorry, tried to edit but wasn't allowed. It's steps 3e, f & g :blush:




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Just installed and it works great but I can't get it to work with the Fast Easy Checkout contrib. It uses a different create_account file and the code is different. Im stuck at steps 4e, f & g.


Hope someone can help.






I cannot do much when contributions overlap. You need to understand how each contribution works in order to merge them and this is not some simple copy/paste thing. And I cannot support combinations of modules as I mentioned earlier.

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I added this contribution to my website, and it is working awesome except for when a member tries to update an address. For some reason, their are a bunch of errors when they first get to the screen that their current information is listed, but all of the information is saved successfully if they change someting.


Error Please select your Gender.

Error Your First Name must contain a minimum of 2 characters.

Error Your Last Name must contain a minimum of 2 characters.

Error Your Street Address must contain a minimum of 5 characters.

Error Your Post Code must contain a minimum of 4 characters.

Error Your City must contain a minimum of 3 characters.


Any one have an idea why this is loaded when they click to update an address


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I added this contribution to my website, and it is working awesome except for when a member tries to update an address. For some reason, their are a bunch of errors when they first get to the screen that their current information is listed, but all of the information is saved successfully if they change someting.


Error Please select your Gender.

Error Your First Name must contain a minimum of 2 characters.

Error Your Last Name must contain a minimum of 2 characters.

Error Your Street Address must contain a minimum of 5 characters.

Error Your Post Code must contain a minimum of 4 characters.

Error Your City must contain a minimum of 3 characters.


Any one have an idea why this is loaded when they click to update an address

I cannot replicate this here. What is the page name when this happens? (what's the address bar of the browser shows) Is this address_book_process.php? Make sure you have implemented the modifications as shown in the documentation (item-5 in v2.11 readme).

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I have many contributions installed. In some cases this contribution is just telling to replace the files which i cannot do. Just curious as to know if it is ok to just replace anything between "//-MS- Added Active-Countries support" and "//-MS- Added Active-Countries support EOM" using winmerge?


Will doing this still work or do i need to replace the files?

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I have many contributions installed. In some cases this contribution is just telling to replace the files which i

cannot do. Just curious as to know if it is ok to just replace anything between "//-MS- Added Active-Countries support" and "//-MS- Added Active-Countries support EOM" using winmerge?


Will doing this still work or do i need to replace the files?


The insert/marked tags within the reference files? no they do not cover every case. For those files where you need to override in the admin end, Winmerge will show pretty much the entire file being different (from the original osc). You need to understand how each contribution works in this case to be able to merge them. If you override them the active countries will work but the other contributions you have probably won't

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Anyone can help to change these code?

This is under the Order_Info_Check.php


On the State and Country section.


		<td class="main"> <?php echo ENTRY_STATE; ?></td>
		<td class="main"> 
$state = tep_get_zone_name($country, $zone_id, $state);
if ($is_read_only) {
  echo tep_get_zone_name($account['entry_country_id'], $account['entry_zone_id'], $account['entry_state']);
} elseif ($error) {
  if ($entry_state_error) {
	if ($entry_state_has_zones) {
	  $zones_array = array();
	  $zones_query = tep_db_query("select zone_name from " . TABLE_ZONES . " where zone_country_id = '" . tep_db_input($country) . "' order by zone_name");
	  while ($zones_values = tep_db_fetch_array($zones_query)) {
		$zones_array[] = array('id' => $zones_values['zone_name'], 'text' => $zones_values['zone_name']);
	  echo tep_draw_pull_down_menu('state', $zones_array) . ' ' . ENTRY_STATE_ERROR;
	} else {
	  echo tep_draw_input_field('state') . ' ' . ENTRY_STATE_ERROR;
  } else {
	echo $state . tep_draw_hidden_field('zone_id') . tep_draw_hidden_field('state');
} else {
  echo tep_draw_input_field('state', tep_get_zone_name($account['entry_country_id'], $account['entry_zone_id'], $account['entry_state'])) . ' ' . ENTRY_STATE_TEXT;


My php languages is limited...


Please help.


Thank You

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  • 2 weeks later...

Receiving Error. Please Help.


I Have just installed the contribution and I am receiving the following error on the 'My Account Information' screen when I go to checkout and create a new account:


1054 - Unknown column 'zone_status' in 'where clause'


select zone_id, zone_name from zones where zone_status='1' and zone_country_id = '13' order by zone_name


I receive this similar error when I navigate to Admin->Location/Taxes->Zones:


1054 - Unknown column 'z.zone_status' in 'field list'


select z.zone_id, c.countries_id, c.countries_name, z.zone_name, z.zone_code, z.zone_country_id, z.zone_status from zones z left join countries c on (z.zone_country_id = c.countries_id) where c.countries_status='1' order by c.countries_name, z.zone_name limit 0, 20


Can someone shed some light on what I may have done wrong in the installation?



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there is a documentation problem that will be fixed with the next version. Basically where it states "Database Changes" you need to run first the (world_zones_sequential.sql file in case you're using it) and finally the countries_custom.sql.

Edited by enigma1
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  • 3 weeks later...
there is a documentation problem that will be fixed with the next version. Basically where it states "Database Changes" you need to run first the (world_zones_sequential.sql file in case you're using it) and finally the countries_custom.sql.








Hi enigma .. well tried to do the custom countries contribution and and i think i did something wrong but id not work

and i backed up all my file but for some reason i cant acces my admin panel


this is what it says


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_get_languages() in /home2/mytribus/public_html/admin/index.php on line 58



here is my web www.mytribus.com


please help , thanks

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Hi enigma .. well tried to do the custom countries contribution and and i think i did something wrong but id not work

and i backed up all my file but for some reason i cant acces my admin panel


this is what it says


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_get_languages() in /home2/mytribus/public_html/admin/index.php on line 58

here is my web www.mytribus.com


please help , thanks


did you go through the manual instructions to install it? Or you simply copied files over.

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