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Basic Design Pack Support


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installed the pack brilliant ...however, lost the tax display components, ie does not show when checking out



The pack should not impact the tax display at all, please check your admin settings.

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Hi, I just installed the BDP. When I click on "Add to Cart" i get this message


Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: shoppingcartboxheading in /homepages/3/d107836756/htdocs/wsc107836764/dnp/shopping_cart.php on line 20


line 20 = new ShoppingCartBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, true, tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART));


Can anyone help with this?

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Hi, I just installed the BDP. When I click on "Add to Cart" i get this message


Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: shoppingcartboxheading in /homepages/3/d107836756/htdocs/wsc107836764/dnp/shopping_cart.php on line 20


line 20 = new ShoppingCartBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, true, tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART));


Can anyone help with this?



You have not uploaded all the required files and folders from BDP, so do the install again and make sure that all files and folders are being uploaded to your site.

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I've got an Additional Images contribution installed. This is going to create issues I can tell isn't it?


Yes it will, so any mods should be done manually and not by dropping files over.


The main point is that you will not need the included thumbnailer from the bdp.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, here is the most basic of questions. When you say to just drop on top of the current install, are the folders appended or replaced? I don't want to loose my header images in the images folder.

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OK, here is the most basic of questions. When you say to just drop on top of the current install, are the folders appended or replaced? I don't want to loose my header images in the images folder.



The old folders content are not deleted when doing a copy and overwrite, Only individual files and images get replaced/overwritten.

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Okay I just found out about osCommerce a few days ago, but this contribution is fantastically easy.


I have only run into one problem. I am fairly sure it is in shop/includes/language/english/index.php file. When I view a specific category the page loads fine and lists all the products within that category. At the top of the body section though it says "Lets see what we have here" and then there is an empty image box.


You can see it via this link: http://bhartiliquor.com/shop/index.php?cPath=27


Now I have found that snippet of code in the aforementioned file, but I am not sure how to edit it accordingly. I am assuming I can upload any image I wish to shop/includes/language/english/images folder and then reference it in the shop/includes/language/english/index.php file. However, I am not sure I even want an image there.


Here is the code I am referencing above:

if ( ($category_depth == 'products') || (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'])) ) {
define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Let\'s See What We Have Here');
[color="#FF0000"]define('TABLE_HEADING_IMAGE', '');[/color]
define('TABLE_HEADING_MODEL', 'Model');
define('TABLE_HEADING_PRODUCTS', 'Product Name');
define('TABLE_HEADING_MANUFACTURER', 'Manufacturer');
define('TABLE_HEADING_QUANTITY', 'Quantity');
define('TABLE_HEADING_PRICE', 'Price');
define('TABLE_HEADING_WEIGHT', 'Weight');
define('TABLE_HEADING_BUY_NOW', 'Buy Now');
define('TEXT_NO_PRODUCTS', 'There are no products to list in this category.');
define('TEXT_NO_PRODUCTS2', 'There is no product available from this manufacturer.');
define('TEXT_NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS', 'Number of Products: ');
define('TEXT_SHOW', '<b>Show:</b>');
define('TEXT_BUY', 'Buy 1 \'');
define('TEXT_NOW', '\' now');
define('TEXT_ALL_CATEGORIES', 'All Categories');
define('TEXT_ALL_MANUFACTURERS', 'All Manufacturers');
} elseif ($category_depth == 'top') {
define('HEADING_TITLE', 'What\'s New Here?');
} elseif ($category_depth == 'nested') {
define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Categories');


I am assuming the third line down, define('TABLE_HEADING_IMAGE', ''); , is where my problem lies. But, perhaps, I am way off base. As I know next to nothing about this kind of code. I am simply wingin' it.


Any help would be much appreciated.

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Okay I just found out about osCommerce a few days ago, but this contribution is fantastically easy.


I have only run into one problem. I am fairly sure it is in shop/includes/language/english/index.php file. When I view a specific category the page loads fine and lists all the products within that category. At the top of the body section though it says "Lets see what we have here" and then there is an empty image box.



No those are category images, if you upload an image in the web shop admin when you add/edit a category that is where it will show.



If you don't want a image there, the code for showing the image there can be deleted or commented out in the index.php file in the shops main folder.

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No those are category images, if you upload an image in the web shop admin when you add/edit a category that is where it will show.

If you don't want a image there, the code for showing the image there can be deleted or commented out in the index.php file in the shops main folder.


Okay, I see what it is now. I'm not sure where it is in the code, but I should be able to find it. I may leave it in there while I am setting up the shop, in case I decide I want category images. Would I be right in assuming that I can edit the values for the category image in the stylesheet? For instance to allow it to be a different size?

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Okay, I see what it is now. I'm not sure where it is in the code, but I should be able to find it. I may leave it in there while I am setting up the shop, in case I decide I want category images. Would I be right in assuming that I can edit the values for the category image in the stylesheet? For instance to allow it to be a different size?



No the image sizes are set in your web shop admin under configuration >> images

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I am new to all of this...and the more I read the more confused that I become...I'm starting to think this is over my head! Which it very well may be and I my just pick up and run in another direction. But I would like to at least give it a good go. I need help on terminology.


I just downloaded the V2.2 RC2 then uploaded to my server. I am confused about how to change permissions. I found in the file manager where the heading states permissions...but I don't know how to access the area to change them. I am also not sure which permissions I should change, what to change them to or if I really should change them at all. I don't know what permissions do! I have searched the boards but the lingo is hieroglyphics to me...arrrrggggh!


Also, I am interested in adding some of the add-on's I download them..But when I read the instructions I am stumped. I just don't under simple things like quoting from the Basic Design Pack "Just drop over a defaut oscommerce shop" How do I go about "dropping over a default oscommerce shop" ? I uploaded the catalog to my server, do I open my site through my ftp program and then take the whole file and drop it into the file catalog..is that what you mean by this? Also, do all of the add-on's work the same way? I tried to do the drag and drop into the catalog, but didn't see a change. So...duhh....I am on a major learning curve. I would like to add the STS and tried to upload using my ftp and drag and drop the individual files into the catalog that is on my server through the fts...but don't see it anywhere..not sure if I should drop the whole file or individual files within the program.


Sorry for being slow on the uptake...


Any help at all..would be much appreciated. Thanks

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Basic Design Pack are only for fresh/unmodified osCommerce shops. That why it has a drop over style install.


And yes it works like you though, just drag and drop the files/folders to your web hosting through a ftp program overwriting the same files there.


For further mods/contributions read and follow the instructions included with the wanted add-on.



NOTE: Current version of BDP is for osCommerce versions up to and including RC1 . (Will probably work ok with RC2 too)

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I feel your pain but persistence pays off.

Permissions are the files properties that allow read, write, execute etc. A really easy way to change your permissions is in an FTP file transfer program. I use SmartFTP and you can download a free personal use copy to check it out http://www.smartftp.com. All you have to do is right click the file and a menu pops up. Slide on down to properties/ CHMOD left click and change the number or check the boxes that apply.

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I feel your pain but persistence pays off.

Permissions are the files properties that allow read, write, execute etc. A really easy way to change your permissions is in an FTP file transfer program. I use SmartFTP and you can download a free personal use copy to check it out http://www.smartftp.com. All you have to do is right click the file and a menu pops up. Slide on down to properties/ CHMOD left click and change the number or check the boxes that apply.



Thanks all...for your input. I haven't made any modifications at this point...really don't know how..so I guess for now it is a good thing. I have an ftp program through firefox. I will check it out. Also, thanks for the referral to another ftp program if mine doesn't work. Another question, do I drop the whole Basic Design Pack over the program, folder and all or one file at a time? Again, thanks for your support.....

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Thanks all...for your input. I haven't made any modifications at this point...really don't know how..so I guess for now it is a good thing. I have an ftp program through firefox. I will check it out. Also, thanks for the referral to another ftp program if mine doesn't work. Another question, do I drop the whole Basic Design Pack over the program, folder and all or one file at a time? Again, thanks for your support.....



you can do it one at a time, but i recommend that you rather do it all in one....

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any idea what is causing this?


CGI Error

The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.




I had a fresh install of OSc version 2.2 with easy populate as the only modification. When I put design pack on it started giving this error.



If you did not do a fresh install of oscommerce and/or installed it through your control panel then you should check with your hosting , that error should not occur for a standard install of oscommerce.


If you have installed it manually, then revert back to default using your backup, you did make a backup right?

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It was installed manually, and was working. Easy Populate was put in and everything still worked. Once BDP was installed it started giving this error.


[quote name='toyicebear' date='Jan 26 2008, 07:08 PM' post='1198279'


If you have installed it manually, then revert back to default using your backup, you did make a backup right?

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The only errors so far has been attributed to which includes/function/html_output.php is used together with the pack. NOTE: Read the step by step BDP version changes in the README file for closer explanations...



Mostly its a mather of eighter which MS2.2 version you are using and if the server supports the metodes used in the automatic thumbnails generator which is used in the default includes/functions/html_output.php

Alyternatve versions of the file is included in the pack and you can try them out by renaming them to html_output.php and overwrite the defulat one with the choosen alternative.

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First of all, i'd like to say what an excellent job you've done of creating this contribution. It has saved me literally days of work.


If there is anything i can do to help you continue working on this please let me know. A donation or posting my feedback, whatever.


Right, now on to my question. I'm having problems locating the code that controls the product indexes. Basically, i've changed the color in the <body> (stylesheet.css) so that all the main text is white, but that means the text in the index tables is now also white. Could you tell me where i can find the code for the two parts i've circled in my attached image so that i can wrap them in a <span> and change the colour of the font? I have tried to do this myself but have spent quite a bit of time looking for it.


If you could help me out i would really appreciate it.


**Update** I just realised the links in the image i uploaded are black, these are changed by the global link colours in the stylesheet, i need to know where to locate the actual link in the index.php file so that i can change them to a different class because i've gone back to using white links and they are no longer visable. (I hope that makes sense?) :D






Edited by andrewlondon
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Right, now on to my question. I'm having problems locating the code that controls the product indexes. Basically, i've changed the color in the <body> (stylesheet.css) so that all the main text is white, but that means the text in the index tables is now also white. Could you tell me where i can find the code for the two parts i've circled in my attached image so that i can wrap them in a <span> and change the colour of the font? I have tried to do this myself but have spent quite a bit of time looking for it.



They are in this file:



Edited by toyicebear
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Yes you can set background color and yes you can use an image instead of a color definition if you so choose.


The section of the stylsheet whe this can be done is here:



So to use an image for the background where exactly in this code segment do you enter the image location?


Could you please edit this chunk of code as if you had put an image as a background, so I can use that as a template?



text-align: center;

background: #ffffff;

color: #000000;

margin: 0px;



.fixcenter {

width: 778px;

border: solid; border-width: 1px;

background: #ffffff;

color: #000000;

margin: auto;

margin-top: 20px;

text-align: left;



Thanks so much,


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