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I need 2 shipping rates for various zones.


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Right now I am using this Contribution:


Zones Intenational Default


What it does

this is a modified version of shipping zones.php that includes 3 default zones

but the most intrerrest is that you don't have to set country for the last third zone (or more), the last zone will automatically default to all others unlisted country

1 : FR can be changed for your country

2 : AT,BE,GB,DE,GL,IS,IE,IT,NO,NL,DK,PL,ES,SE,CH,FI,PT,IL,GR that are other European country except FR defined in zone 1

3 : All Other World Country not defined.



I like this contribution, but I wonder if anyone can help me change it.


I want something that does this that also incluces the tax class:


Zone1: Canada

Express Shipping: $10


Zone2: USA

Express Shipping: $12

Economy Shipping: $10


Zone 3: Rest of the world

Standard Shipping: $9


Now the contributionI am using above works well. However, the fields are based on weight. I think there is a way to remove the weight rate shipping and add customs fields, but I'm no PHP coder.


Can any of you help, or is there a contribution that does this already?



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