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Multiple Product Selection in "Product Attributes"


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Hi there,


I am building a website with more than 1,500 items for sale, namely t-shirts. I'm looking for a mod that will allow me to make multiple selections of items in "Product Attributes" so as to add sizes and colours all at once. I saw the mod that would allow me to select multiple attributes (Ex. Black, Medium, Large, X-Large,etc) but nothing that would allow for selection of multiple products (Ex>A "Select All" box mod).


Other than that, I am very, very impressed and grateful for all the excellent programs you have complied and provided for me to use. Your organization should be very proud of itself!


We have made it a long way using everyones suggestions in all the Forums....we just couldn't find this one.


Thanks All!!!!

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  • 3 months later...

I too have been looking for something like this. I have 2500+ products in the store and each product needs 2 attributes. I have installed the Attribute Sets contribution and it works fine adding multiple attributes 1 product at a time but there must be an easier way to attach these attributes (sets) to all the products in the store.


I have tried creating a series of SQL queries that go something like:

INSERT INTO products_attributes_sets_to_products (products_attributes_sets_to_products, products_attributes_sets_id, products_id)   VALUES (22, 2, 172);


This goes into the 'products_attributes_sets_to_products' table and adds the attribute set to the product ID. I successfully pulled this off, but when I went back to the store and browsed through the products I had changed.. none of them had the attribute sets attached.



Anyone have any ideas?


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I use the Attributes Sets too, I don't remember the exact files and all, but if it created any tables, I would 1st examine them well enough, then export the tables and work on them in Excel or whatever.


I have alot of attributes sets that I need fast,,, but that's the way I'm going to add mine. Which means you're going to have to create the attributes 1st... then you'll create the attributes sets.


If a person has all the data that they need, and understand the database tables and the relationship one has with the other, it's really a matter of copy/pasting. A person could easily add hundreds and thousands of "attributes & attributes sets" in a matter of a few minutes to a few hours.



"What I didn't know yesterday, I know today & will remember tomorrow"

(By Kwalker)


What do you see when you open up the tep_database-pr2.2-CVS.pdf file that came with your osCommerce download?

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