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How to turn off BestSellers


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How can I turn off the best sellers counter, or atleast put fake info in it, so my competitor can't tell what and how much im selling? I guess it would be best to know how to fake the data, so it would say my best seller is maybe my worst seller !


Thank you!

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in the includes/column_right.php, comment it out, like so:

// include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'best_sellers.php');


i don't really think it's a bad thing to have (best sellers), it shows your customers you're actually selling things :)


and i don't think your competitor can really gain anything from knowing your best sellers.


people sell different things based on where their traffic comes from (like link exchanges, search results, etc)

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There are also contributions available to display random best sellers. This keeps from displaying a stagnant item, and gives visitors the sense that the store is selling.

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