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TradeDoubler tracking install


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Trying to add trade doubler redirect page and traacking code has any one this before ?


Trade doubler is a affliate program so until this is fixed we can not receive any traffic :-(


just ask for any info ?



My fav site


Spend most my cash there dont tell the wife:-)

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Thanks i think its a diffrent trade doubler.


heres the code i need to put on checkout success but not sure how to add it all



PHP ? Sale





//Fetch session named TDUID



$tduid = "";

if (!empty($_SESSION['TDUID'])) {

$tduid = $_SESSION['TDUID'];




//Fetch tduid cookie named TRADEDOUBLER



if (!empty($_COOKIE["TRADEDOUBLER"])) {





//Change to organization id provided by TradeDoubler



$org_id = 222404;



//Change to secret code provided by TradeDoubler



$secretcode = "1121";



//Change to the order value of the current order or "1" if lead

//Cannot consist of, (comma) or spaces. Decimal sign is . (dot)

// Important no thousand separators.



$orderValue = "102.50";



//Change to the unique order number or lead number



$orderNumber = "111";



//event supplied by TradeDoubler



$event = 1211;



//Only needed if your TradeDoubler program has a different currency then the order



$currency = "GBP";



//Create the checksum



$chk = "v04" . md5($secretcode.$orderNumber.$orderValue);



/*////////////////////////(Optional feature)///////////////////////////

Product info report

Example product (you can add multiple products.

Add | between them (f1...&f2...&f3...|f1...&f2...&f3...) )

f1 is product number

f2 is product name

f3 is product value. Use dot (.) as decimal sign and no thousand separators.

Below is an example; you must replace the products values.


$reportInfo = "f1=ProdNr01&f2=ProdName1&f3=100.00&f4=2|f1=ProdNR02&f2=ProdName2&f3=1000.00&f4=1";

//Important! reportInfo parameter need to be URLEncoded in UTF-8 format.


This product is the subject of patent no. 9904115-4, filed 1999 - 2001

? 2004 TradeDoubler AB


$reportInfo = urlencode($reportInfo);




echo "<img src=\"http://tbs.tradedoubler.com/report?organization=".$org_id."&event=".$event."&orderNumber=".$orderNumber."&orderValue=".$orderValue."&currency=".$currency."&checksum=".$chk."&reportInfo=".$reportInfo."&tduid=".$tduid."\" >";



//To test if TradeDoubler works, login on the website and click on "Check

//implementation" in the menu. Follow the instructions on this page to complete the










My fav site


Spend most my cash there dont tell the wife:-)

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