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verisign payflowlink new server


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Verisign changed their server on me - I never configured it in the first place, at least I dont remember doing that, but I need to change the hyperlink of checkout confirmation that confirms order which actually goes to verisign to process ccard, to another server name.


I have been looking all around the code but can not find where to change it. I'm not sure what version I have but we installed it last November/December.


Thanks for any guidance



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found it - thanks anyway. Its in:







Verisign changed their server on me - I never configured it in the first place, at least I dont remember doing that, but I need to change the hyperlink of checkout confirmation that confirms order which actually goes to verisign to process ccard, to another server name.


I have been looking all around the code but can not find where to change it. I'm not sure what version I have but we installed it last November/December.


Thanks for any guidance



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