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The e-commerce.

New Store. Opinions wanted.


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Well after a lot of hard work, my site is about to go live. It's definitley a small site, but it fits its market, I think. Opinions and critics wanted. If anybody finds and error anywhere, PLEASE let me know. If there is a slight bit of confusion to the site, please let me know. I tried to make it very user friendly. In advance, thanks for your time.

Without further adieu: 911guides.net



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Design wise, I like your site. Its clean, it works for your products, and its well thought out.


I think you have a hard road ahead if you want to compete with other large-scale online fire and rescue vendors who sell Infomed guides along with their other 20,000 products to attract EMTs, Firefighters, and the like.


I know this forum is not to critique your business model, and thats not what I am trying to do. However, you need a unique selling point to make people buy from you instead of the other zillion stores who sell the exact same product.


I would think that a couple shots of an interior page would be good, something like amazon.com does to let the customer "look inside" the book at the content. I know from experence that people are more apt to buy the field guides when they see the quality of the full color pages, the diagrams, and the easy to use tables. This could be done with custom coding, or just additional well-shot product images on the product info pages using one of the readily available contributions.


I have a few years experence selling fire and EMS equipment online (in another market now though) and would be happy to talk to you in PM if you like.


Good luck.

My advice comes in two flavors- Pick the one that won't offend you.


Hard and Cynical: How to Make a Horrible osCommerce Site


Warm and Fuzzy: How to Make an Awesome osCommerce Site

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Nice looking site. You should consider making the 911 Header graphic clickable to take you back to the home page. I instinctively clicked it to get back.


Good luck,


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How did you make your oscommerce look like that? Have you got any tips or tricks?

Do you know of any good contributions?

To be honest I really don't have any tips or tricks. I've worked hard on it and modified A LOT of code. It's taken me about 2 months to get it like this. As far as contributions, I used many of the popular mods that have significant importance like, SEO_urls, credit class & gift voucher, on the fly auto thumbnails, header tags, updated authorize.net module, serveral user/statistics reports, All products page, recover carts. These are core features that just about every webstore should have. As far as what the customer sees, I actually took away serveral features(customer reveiws, newsletters, etc) and simplified the interface. I'm still trying to get the checkout process to work easily without any confusion. That is proving to be very difficult.


After many years of being the "tech guy" I realize that general computer users don't have a clue on what they are doing or are too scared that they will "do the wrong thing" to break the computer. So when desiging my site, I wanted the customer to easily know how to use the website and go to the product they want to buy quickly without any confusion.


I think I have that "for the most part" under control, now I'm trying work out the best business stragey that I can come up with. Chance is appearing to be a great resource for me to get things inline.



Anyways, I still looking for other comments/opinions/critiques .




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Well its hard for me to be critical when your a Counting Crows fan :P Adams Duritz is my god haha!


I actually really liked your site, it looked very clean and certainly targets your market very well. Im sorry I have no suggestions on how to improve but it already looks great! Good luck with your store :)

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