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The e-commerce.

Trust Logo


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Hey I have the trust logo but im sure what im doing with it lol.....


These are my instructions.


Step 1: Copy the below JavaScript in your HTML page's <head> tag.


Ok whats the <head> tag I put this in?


Step2: Enter the URL of the logo (I understand that step!)


Step 3: Copy and paste the below code into your webpage HTML.


Does this mean paste where its going? IE in column_left ect ect?



I would really like to place it where the OSC image in the footer is located.

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Step 1: Copy the below JavaScript in your HTML page's <head> tag.

no copy it to catalog/includes/general,js as this one is included to every page needed


2 is clear ;)


and to place the logo in footer, check catalog/includes/footer.php and place it e.g. here:

<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   <td align="center" class="smallText">
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<!-- place code for logo after this -->



should do the job than



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I hate to keep beating a dead horse here. I suppose if I cant get it to work I can try the contribution...again. I just tried it but I had many errors so I restored the changed files and im back to square one.


This is the link to the instructions perhaps a even more detailed explanation is needed for me :blush:




Going to bed looking foward to the many repsonces when I wake up :P

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sorry my fault


now that you provided the link it's pretty clear:


place the 'Corner Of Trust Logo ' somewhere in cart do not create a link/clickable image, just place it in the right site e.g. privacy.php


the url to the logo should be s.th like http://yrdomain.com/images/cot_small.gif pretending cart is installed in webroot and logo placed in default osCimage dir


test: enter the URL to the image in the webpage (step 2), when you can see the image below it's ok


now that you know te right page (eg privacy.php) and have enered the right path to the logo open the enter/replace instead of the image, the code provided in step 3. finally place code of step 1 somewhere between <head> ... </head>


that should do the job, upload the page click the image and tell us what happened ;)



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sorry my fault


now that you provided the link it's pretty clear:


place the 'Corner Of Trust Logo ' somewhere in cart do not create a link/clickable image, just place it in the right site e.g. privacy.php


the url to the logo should be s.th like http://yrdomain.com/images/cot_small.gif pretending cart is installed in webroot and logo placed in default osCimage dir


test: enter the URL to the image in the webpage (step 2), when you can see the image below it's ok


now that you know te right page (eg privacy.php) and have enered the right path to the logo open the enter/replace instead of the image, the code provided in step 3. finally place code of step 1 somewhere between <head> ... </head>


that should do the job, upload the page click the image and tell us what happened ;)




I have school tonight, so im gonna try it during the break. Im a little unclear though. Step 1 goes where and step 3 goes where? Again if possible would like this in the footer.

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you want it in the footer ok


make sure in step 2 you can see the pic you want to be linked, in yr case the trustlogo


here an example for the standart osCfooter


/*  paste the code of step 1 here  */

 $Id: footer.php,v 1.26 2003/02/10 22:30:54 hpdl Exp $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

 Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce

 Released under the GNU General Public License

 require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'counter.php');
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
 <tr class="footer">
   <td class="footer">  <?php echo strftime(DATE_FORMAT_LONG); ?>  </td>
   <td align="right" class="footer">  <?php echo $counter_now . ' ' . FOOTER_TEXT_REQUESTS_SINCE . ' ' . $counter_startdate_formatted; ?>  </td>
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   <td align="center" class="smallText">
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 if ($banner = tep_banner_exists('dynamic', '468x50')) {
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   <td align="center">/*  paste the code of step 3 here  */</td>


make sute when pasting to eliminate the /* and */ ;)



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sorry I don't get ya, slowly now where do you want the logo to be diplayed?


in footer, than follow my previous post please:

fist check the image is rightly diplayed

enter step 1 and 3 as described to footer php thats it.


if you want it additionally in e.g. privacy.php place step 1 right after <head> of privacy.php as well and place step 3 where ever you want the logo to be displayed in privacy.php



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sorry I don't get ya, slowly now where do you want the logo to be diplayed?


in footer, than  follow my previous post please:

fist check the image is rightly diplayed

enter step 1 and 3 as described to footer php thats it.


if you want it additionally in e.g. privacy.php place step 1 right after <head> of privacy.php as well and place step 3 where ever you want the logo to be displayed in privacy.php





Thanks I have something working now :P

Its all the way to the right of the footer though I was thinking it would be better centered.


If I change my mind on where I want it for example I want it in the right column then I just copy step 3 somewhere in the column_right file?


My only other problem is in step one I chose to display it on non secured pages. I assume thats why the logo disapears when I go to the account page. Would the fix be to copy the other step one box and paste that where?

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Ok home from school I have time now :P Some minor tweaking is needed.


First problem is it doest actually stay in the footer it stays in the bottom right corner no matter what, im not sure I like that.


Second when I go to a secured sections of the site the logo disappears. Should this be coded somewhere else as well?


Third Suppose I wanted to move it to the left or right column what action would I take?


Thanks for all the help here's the link to the site.



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