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Adding the 3-digit credit card security code?


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Why on earth would you need this information? This code should only ever be requested at the time of checkout, and NEVER (along with any other CC info) stored in your database.


Thanks for your reply. I assumed it was a contribution, because I don't see it being "requested at the time of checkout".


What page or file would the text that "requests" it be in? Maybe it's been commented-out. Where would I check?



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You need to add it into the credit card module in catalog/includes/modules/payment/cc.php


also in the cc_validation module and in the dbase and then it needs to be added to admin/orders.php

Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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You need to add it into the credit card module in catalog/includes/modules/payment/cc.php


also in the cc_validation module and in the dbase and then it needs to be added to admin/orders.php



Thanks for your reply. By your statement "you need to add it", are you referring to a contribution? If so, which one, please/



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