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The e-commerce.

Multiple attributes


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We have a print shop selling prints online,


We need customers to be able to select an image from the list then be able to select the item they want it printing on


including: T-shirt they can then choose adult or chid


adultthen male female




then size




the same type of thing for prints on paper, size, type color etc.


any ideas, can oscommerce handle this type of option system, or is there a contribution to suit.


Kind regards andy :D:D

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We have a print shop selling prints online,


We need customers to be able to select an image from the list then be able to select the item they want it printing on


including: T-shirt they can then choose adult or chid


adultthen male female




then size




the same type of thing for prints on paper, size, type color etc.


any ideas, can oscommerce handle this type of option system, or is there a contribution to suit.


Kind regards andy :D:D



Yes oscommerce can handle this.

You set up the options and values in admin>product attributes, then you can apply these to the products.

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does oscommerce allow sub attributes also.

I dont think so.

There are masses of contributions you can add and im sure there will be something to cope with everything you need to do.

Installing them isnt massively easy if like me you have only basic skills in this area.

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