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Problem with configure.php permissions


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I get the following error message whenever I go to my store:


-- Start error message--

Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /home/bando2/public_html/store/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.


--End error message--


I have set the permissions on includes/configure.php to 644 through Cute FTP, cleared the cache on my browser and reloaded the page but I'm still getting the same error message. :(

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Try changing the permissions to 444, that should fix it for you.

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Try changing the permissions to 444, that should fix it for you.



Thanks for the tip, I just did that but for some odd reason it keeps changing itself back to 644.


Any idea why this happens and/or how to keep it from doing that?

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Lots of people have had problems with Cute FTP and osCommerce recently, and IE's 'ftp' client is a joke.  Try something like WS FTP Pro (30 day trial verion) or FileZilla.





After much hassle, it finally worked. Thank you for your help.

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Also, some web hosts have things set up so that you cannot, through any FTP client, set a file such that it is not writeable by the owner. For these, you need to use a script, such as in my Protection of Configuration contribution.

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