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Can I get a little help please


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The problem is that your images are hard coded to your PC.


ie; file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner/My%20Documents/My%20Pictures/2doves.jpg


That image will load for you (since referencing it from your PC will have a valid location), however, that image isn't on the web.


Looks like you need to read up on how to add images to a webpage. http://www.htmlhelp.com might help you learn a bit. That's pretty basic HTML right there.


Hi someone told me when they looked at my home page the 12 pictures on the front show as red x's. They look fine on my computer can some of you go look at my home page and let me know if you see red x's or the pictures. http://www.preciousbasketshop.com  Thanks

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