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Admin not Secure


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I had a problem with my admin section showing that it was not protected by ssl. I searched the forms and read a lot of advice. Checked my files to see what could be changed and everything showed that it should be working. Well, I discovered this by accident. On my web server, my website is www.ocgoodyshop.com. Now if I log into my admin section using this path http://www.ocgoodyshop.com/osCommerce/cata...admin/index.php it will not be in protected with ssl. But if I log in using this path https://st47.startlogic.com/~ocgoodys/osCom...admin/index.php it shows up in ssl mode.


This path is a combination of information found on line 16 and 19 of the configure.php located in /catalog/admin/includes/:

16) define('HTTPS_CATALOG_SERVER', 'https://st47.startlogic.com');

19) define('DIR_WS_ADMIN', '/~ocgoodys/osCommerce/catalog/admin/'); // absolute path required


Just combine the two: 'https://st47.startlogic.com' and '/~ocgoodys/osCommerce/catalog/admin/' ? to: https://st47.startlogic.com/~ocgoodys/osCom.../catalog/admin/. Use this path to enter your admin area.


If all of your files are correct you should end up in your admin section with ssl.


Also, you may want to check with your hosting company to make sure you have the address right

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