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Solved getting stuck on Step 2 of installation


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Not sure if this has been brought up before but...


For those of you that have gotten stuck during the installation procedure (http://yourwebserver.com/catalog/install/install.php) on step 2 where it seems that you can't go any further, I have found the cause (for me at least) and thought I'd share my solution with the rest of you.


I'm running PHP 5.0.2, and found that you need to enable two things in the php.ini file:


register_globals = On

register_long_arrays = On


Both of these options are depreciated, and not currently the recommended way to go, but until the source code for oscommerce is updated, you need to do this.


If the first option isn't enabled, the install will complain immediately to turn it on.

The second option allows the use of the $HTTP_GET_VARS type variables, which is used in oscommerce source code - instead of using the newer $_GET super global variables...


Hope this helps someone!!!


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