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The e-commerce.

Sales Tax not picked up for RI


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Pulling out my hair!


Setting up osCommerce for the first time. Trying to get 7% sales tax calculated for Rhode Island deliveries. I have followed every thread I could find here, but no help. Here are my details.



RI (with one subzone set as country: United States, zone: Rhode Island)



Taxable Goods (and all items in my catalog are set with this class)



Tax Class Title = Taxable Goods

Zone = RI

Tax Rate = 7.0000

Description = RI Tax 7%

Priority = 1


I have also set "Display Tax" in Modules -> Order Totals to TRUE


One thing I noticed is that if I set the tax zone to country: United States, zone: ALL ZONES, it picks up the tax and display it correctly on the "Confirm Order" page. Of course if I change the delivery address from RI to any other state, it still picks up the tax.


How can I get it to only tax RI addresses? Can anyone explain how the shopping cart recognizes what state the address is in? I assume there is a table somewhere which is queried for the zip code and returns the state. The Customer is not asked to select their state, so how else will the cart figure it out.


Advance thanks for any and all help.



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Don't you love it when you've taken the time to write out a lengthy plea for help and only moments after hitting the "submit button" you figure it out yourself? :blush:


I went into Configuration -> Customer Details and set "State" to true. This is supposed to display the state in the customer's address. More importantly (but not mentioned in the Admin Area), this setting REQUIRES the customer to enter their state when they enter an adress. Without the state, the cart is unable to figure out the tax on a state-by-state basis. Duh!


Makes complete sense to me. But why is this setting set to false by default? That's odd.


Anyway, thanks for nothing. I hope this post helps someone else out in the future. And I look forward to working with this great community of people. :D

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