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Orders not recorded in Database


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I've tried both versions of the paypal IPN and the 2checkout v2 update, and I'm having the same problem with all of them.


I can successfully perform test orders (either through the sandbox or 2CO's demo order process) but when I'm returned to my site I'm not given a download link for my product.


Basically OSC says the order was successful and that's it.


Now, if I put in a dummy CC payment using OSC's credit card module I get a "successful sale" message *and* the download link appears. Funny . . .


Did some investigating, and I realized that the orders placed through the paypal ipn and 2CO modules aren't actually writing to the database. If, in my admin area, I look at my orders all I see is the sample "John Doe" order and any of the test credit card orders I placed through the cc payment module.


Is this working properly? If not, could anyone offer any help.


As for the paypal IPN I'm not inputting an ipn url because the contributions indicate that they'll do that for me. And 2CO doesn't mention anything about IPN so I'm not quite sure how product stati are updated (assuming that's why the orders aren't appearing).


Any help would be appreciated.





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