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The e-commerce.

WYSWYG some clarification please


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Firstly thankyou Diaz and Vger for you very quick and helpful replies.


I will check out the template contrib you mentioned Vger. I don't know the basics of .html, nor .css so it's going to be a very steep learning curve. If that's what needs to be done, then i'll do it. But, I'm going to have one last chance at finding this crontrib that vstore.ca use. (if it is a contrib... that is.)



- on the admin page the last option is 'Page Editor' under this there is the option

to 'list pages'.


If you click page editor, a number of pages are listed, if you click on one of these and choose edit, you get a number of options including:


page status, linking name, header page image, page title, page body, and sort order.


under page body it reads 'the content of this page is configured using the page editor tool...' if you click on that you get a 'page designer tool' which looks like a word processor which you can type into.


Does any of this sound familliar? does anyone know the name of the contrib that does this? I had a go at trying to find it, and found something called html_wysiwygeditor_v1.6.6 I downloaded this and went through it's install procedure, but i don't think it's what i needed. Allthough when i'd finised it added itself into the configuration section of my admin control panel, there was no page designer tool from what i could see, and no entry on the front of admin called 'page editor'.


if any of you know how i can get the functionality i've mentioned in this message, namlely a word processor style editor for editing the content of my oscommerce site, please let me know.


any thoughts, greatly appreciated.





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There are various Contributions which you can install which will give you a WYSIWYG editor for osCommerce.






and so on ....




hmm yes i know but it's a minefield out there, what i'm looking for is for someone to say ... this is what you need '.......' that will do everything you have mentioned!


thanks =)



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it is all personal preference for what you want/need . ..


I know it's asking alot, but if anyone has 10 minutes to spare and is knowledgable about OsCommerce. Could you please go to:




and open an account (it's free) (signup on the left hand side).


this will give you a oscommerce site at the name you specify




they get their income through google click throughs.


Once you've done that if you go to




you will see the oscommerce admin page, and the last option in the admin panel is the page designer i'm talking about, if you click on it, and then choose to edit a page, and then click the design page link you'll see the exact functionality i'm trying to get from these contribs...


i'm guessing that with the wealth of knowledge you all have, one of you will recognise it and be able to tell me what it is!


thanks in advance!



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