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The e-commerce.

I admit it - my error!! Where do I fix it LOL


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Greetings - was working on the site structure and then decided to finish the products before including the textual info - a point I am now at. Weeeeeelllllllllll, long of it short, about a month ago I made changes to the text on the main page [index.php] and now I don't know where I made them from!!


The includes/languages/english/index.php page still has the default OSC text but it does not show on the page itself - - I changed the heading text on that page from the index.php and the heading text DID show up but can't find the text that does appear on the page -


Also it is not found on the includes/english.php page - - I am baffled. Can't imagine how I could do this . . . BUT, if anyone could it would be me 8>)


Any suggestions??


I've gone through most of the files and done a word search for a unique term on the page [gotta] and don't find it.


Appreciate someone pointing in some direction that'll help me out - - I'm leaning to crawl under a rock at this point - LOL



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SOOOOO SORRY for the wasting of people's time!!!


Forgot that I installed the Extra Pages contribution and now that info is managed from within the Admin menu


What a schmuck!!! That's what happens when I get unorganized.


Apologies for any inconvenience all.

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