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Redesigning the 'look' of the site


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if i wanted to change the overall look of the site, for instance make a dynamic border down the left and right sides of the page - how would i do this?


what file would i need to edit?


what would be the easiest way to redesign the look of the site.





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if i wanted to change the overall look of the site, for instance make a dynamic border down the left and right sides of the page - how would i do this?


what file would i need to edit?


what would be the easiest way to redesign the look of the site.







well mainly it is all in header footer column_left and column_right as well as index.php but you might want to use a contrib. try more advanced searches, there is tonns of inforamtion on how to start changing the design, and don't worrie we all started where you are now ;)



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well mainly it is all in header footer column_left and column_right as well as index.php but you might want to use a contrib. try more advanced searches, there is tonns of inforamtion on how to start changing the design, and don't worrie we all started where you are now ;)




Thanks very much for your reply, i'm off to try your suggestions, thanks again :)



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Provided you are willing to learn CSS then take a look at the Basic Template System in Contributions. Nice system, and allows you to redo existing templates with css styling. Much easier to use than the supposedly 'Simple Template System', which is anything but 'Simple'.



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