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Extra items on invoice


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HI there,


I have little problem and I cannot seem to solve it.

First of all I turned off 'notifications' in the checkout_succes but still it seems that whenever a customer orders 1 or 2 items my admin informations shows a lot of more items in his order.

See attached JPEG's . Although it is clear which items I have to sent out, why does the subtotal than has that strange figure of .243.00 ??

The first two items were ordered, but all the rest ?? I have no idea

The total amount of euro 29.95 is correct for the two items

Also in the 'orders' screen the customer is mentioned twice (!). ONe with a 'normal' price. The other with that silly .247.50 or .16.50 figure.

See capture001.jpg and capture002.jpg


This does not happen all the time, strange enough. And although I tested it with several fake clients, I cannot figure out where it might get wrong.


Tx for any idea you might can give me to get rid of this silly bug.





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