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Warning appeared across all hosted sites!


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I am getting a warning coming up on each of the sites I host as follows:


Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /home/xxx/public_html/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.


I looked at the permissions, but they seemed to be writeable only by the user: 644. What should they be?


I did notice that there were 4 numbers, I seem to recall there should just be 3.


Can someone help me with this - two of my shops are live and it look bad to get this warning.





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I am getting a warning coming up on each of the sites I host as follows:

I looked at the permissions, but they seemed to be writeable only by the user: 644. What should they be?


I did notice that there were 4 numbers, I seem to recall there should just be 3.


Can someone help me with this - two of my shops are live and it look bad to get this warning.






It means that the user the webserver runs as can write to the config file. Try 444?



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