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Reccurring errorlog entry...


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Hi folks, I've just been checking out my errorlog on a live store I've been working on and besides the odd "Page not found error" I get from people trying to access pages from the old site I see this massage every few minutes...


[Tue Sep  6 16:50:20 2005] [error] mod_gzip: Make sure all named directories exist and have the correct permissions.

[Tue Sep  6 16:50:21 2005] [error] mod_gzip: EMPTY FILE [/tmp/_28909_118_19.wrk] in sendfile2


I understand what the error is saying but why is this happening?


I even tried creating a tmp folder at various locations (i.e. webroot etc)and setting permisions to 777 but still no luck, any ideas what causes this?

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[Tue Sep 6 16:50:20 2005] [error] mod_gzip: Make sure all named directories exist and have the correct permissions.

[Tue Sep 6 16:50:21 2005] [error] mod_gzip: EMPTY FILE [/tmp/_28909_118_19.wrk] in sendfile2


I even tried creating a tmp folder at various locations (i.e. webroot etc)and setting permisions to 777 but still no luck, any ideas what causes this?

Well, it's definitely looking in /tmp, so making tmp folders elsewhere shouldn't be doing you much good. Is this your server? Take a look at the following. It may help you, or at least get you going somewhere:





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