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Lost my index.php - argh!


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I think I've managed to muck something up - and I was travelling along so well.


I tried to delete the stuff on the index page (the stuff about how to edit pages etc) - but I think I deleted some code that was meant to stay. And then I uploaded and overwrote the index.php at the top level instead of /catalog/includes/languages/english - eep!


I've tried uploading another version, but I've gotten thoroughly mired - what can I do. Restoring a backed up database didn't help any. *sob*



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It has nothing to do with the database, that is why it didn't help.


Best thing to do would be to take a breathe and step away for a minute. (I know that always helps me when i goof up)

Then reupload the original catalog/index.php and catalog/includes/languages/english/index.php or whichever language you were playing with.


That should solve your problem.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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It has nothing to do with the database, that is why it didn't help.


Best thing to do would be to take a breathe and step away for a minute. (I know that always helps me when i goof up)

Then reupload the original catalog/index.php and catalog/includes/languages/english/index.php or whichever language you were playing with.


That should solve your problem.


I don't have the original catalog/index.php - I accidentally overwrote it. My web host had an auto-install for OsCommerce, so I don't have the original files. I take it I could download the zip and find the file I need and reupload?

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I think I've managed to muck something up - and I was travelling along so well.


I tried to delete the stuff on the index page (the stuff about how to edit pages etc) - but I think I deleted some code that was meant to stay.  And then I uploaded and overwrote the index.php at the top level instead of /catalog/includes/languages/english - eep!


I've tried uploading another version, but I've gotten thoroughly mired - what can I do.  Restoring a backed up database didn't help any.  *sob*



well messing up files code and restoring db rarely helps


take the zip file and copy the original index back to catalog/index.php and the index language to catalog/includes/language/THELANGUAGE/index.php and you are done


I assume you do not have modifyed major things in there as you said you wanted to remove the default content after install if not take care


hope that helps



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Yup. :) You can download the zip under solutions then downloads at the top of the page. Always a good idea to have the originals handy and always always always make a backup copy of whatever file you are editing incase something like this happens.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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Yup. :) You can download the zip under solutions then downloads at the top of the page. Always a good idea to have the originals handy and always always always make a backup copy of whatever file you are editing incase something like this happens.

I am far to slow, but here it is already 8am and the night went through like nothing



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Yup. :) You can download the zip under solutions then downloads at the top of the page. Always a good idea to have the originals handy and always always always make a backup copy of whatever file you are editing incase something like this happens.


Thanks hon, have done precisely that - and will be less trigger happy next time!! heehee

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