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Obsolete Shoppe Enhancement Controller


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I am working with a client whose web designer installed her osc site, with the obsolete and no-longer-supported Shoppe Enhancement Controller. Why the web designer would create a site in April of 2005 with contributions that are over 2 years old is beyond me. (This isn't the only contribution that he did this with, either.) :x


I'm trying to find information on installing the darn thing, so that I can work backwards to uninstall it... :wacko:


Unfortunately, the install documentation that came with the contribution isn't much help. Considering that one of the contributers, Ajeh aka Linda McGrath, hasn't posted on this forum since 26th March 2004 - 01:48 PM, I'm hoping to find someone else that has better installation instructions for this contribution, or works with it enough that I could get some help... :o


I was finally able to get the Header Tags part of it updated, but you want to talk about a royal pain sorting through all those mods... :sweating:

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I doubt that you can do that. The changes to the code in that shop are not all installed as contributions. Some of the code was original packages that were then turned into contributions. You would save yourself a lot of work, and have a more stable shop when completed, if you just started with a new oscommerce shop and installed the needed contributions.



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I doubt that you can do that. The changes to the code in that shop are not all installed as contributions. Some of the code was original packages that were then turned into contributions. You would save yourself a lot of work, and have a more stable shop when completed, if you just started with a new oscommerce shop and installed the needed contributions.



That's a nice thought, but she's not paying me to redo her site. Just optimize it. And while I agree with you, I'm not going to have time to do that anyways.

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Then I'm afraid you are out of luck since some of the contributions installed in that shop don't match the ones you will find here.



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Linda did lots of programming, thus if you dont understand sec, as jack said, better off to create a new site from contributions here

The only real things I need to get around are Header Tags, which I did get updated fine, since I wanted to use Jack's fill_tags.php script, and User Tracking, since it uses session ids, and I think I have a work around for that. I'm just going to use a spider session killer for now, and see how that goes. Otherwise, I'll just uninstall User Tracking, which I have an old copy of, so I'll probably be ok there; then install a different visitor tracking contribution.


Like I said, she's not paying me to redo her site. So next time around, I'll know to charge more. ;)


Oh, Mibble, by the way, its not about understanding SEC. Its about efficiency. But thanks anyways for your input. As always, you're always so helpful. I'll be alright.

Edited by chynathedragon
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