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PayPal IPN Problem


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One of our clients who is using the Paypal.com IPN payment module, which presaves orders, is claiming that roughly 1 out of every 15 orders is not sending him an order confirmation email.


He insists that in each case the customers are clicking the continue button on paypal.com after completion of the transaction, which is when it would be sending the order confirmation email. However is claiming that they do not always get an order confirmation email.


The following variables have been eliminated as possibilities:


1. Mail server: load testing was run on this earlier without issue, with all emails sent out being received.


2. SSL: working properly when sending to paypal and returning properly.


3. cURL and openSSL setup properly.


4. Customers supposedly are clicking continue after completing at paypal.com.


Any ideas on why this would be happening? If it was some sort of coding error, since he has made adjustments to the information being sent in the extra order emails, the error would be showing on the page OR it would not work for any of the paypal payment orders.


He has been considering possibly having us install the paypal shopping cart IPN system to replace this one, which allegedly tracks eChecks and automatically updates your order status in your store via paypal.com directly. Never used this system before though, so would like feedback from others who have used it.


1. Does it presave orders like the default paypal IPN system?


2. How does the system notify your oscommerce store to update order status, other than when the customer clicks CONTINUE from paypal?


Thanks in advance.




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  • 5 years later...

I would also like to know, as I have the same problem as you mentioned re: "roughly 1 out of every 15 orders is not sending him an order confirmation email".

My inventory doesn't change and it shows like the checkout process did not complete; yet I received money via PayPal. The sales transaction doesn't appear in any of the osc reports either.

Tara Forsythe

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