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Weight as Attribute


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Here is the situation, I sell a product that has hundreds of different sizes...Bender Dies. There is a relationship between the products in that...say a 2" x 7" can come in a 120 degree radius or a 240 degree radius.


I can set the product attribute up for the price of a 120 versus a 240 radius die. But the problem is even though these are the same bender dies except for the radius. One weighs more than the other.


So I need to have a product 2" x 7" Bender Die I will default it to the 120 degree price is $200 and it weighs 40 lbs


Now I need the drop down attributes to have "upgrade to a 240 degree die for $50" and when this gets added to the cart to also increase the weight by 20lbs.


Any suggestions on how to do this?



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