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How to switch from SSL (https) to non SSL (http)


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I've installed osCommerce and am configuing it but during the installation i checked the SSL box in error, and now of course the Checkout and payment side don't work as it's looking for a SSL secure server but the site is hosted on a normal non-secure server.


Can anyone please tell me what file i need to edit or what i need to change so it doesn't try and look for a secure server?



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I've installed osCommerce and am configuing it but during the installation i checked the SSL box in error, and now of course the Checkout and payment side don't work as it's looking for a SSL secure server but the site is hosted on a normal non-secure server.


Can anyone please tell me what file i need to edit or what i need to change so it doesn't try and look for a secure server?




Look in your catalog/includes/configure.php and set

  define('ENABLE_SSL', true); // secure webserver for checkout procedure?


  define('ENABLE_SSL', false); // secure webserver for checkout procedure?

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