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The e-commerce.

Date-field to be removed


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Dear experts.


I have a problem with my shop that I cannot solve - I hope there are experts on this one ;0)


My shop asks the customer for a delivery date. When I specify the deliverydate and try to finish the order I get this error :


1054 - Unknown column 'delivery_date' in 'field list'


insert into orders_status_history (orders_id, orders_status_id, date_added, customer_notified, comments, delivery_date) values ('62', '1', now(), '1', '', '05/09/2005')





My first question is - how can I remove this part asking for delivery-date?

If that is not possible my next question is - how do I fix the error?



Best regards


Carsten Oldenburg Jensen

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I think first you have to find out what contribution added this field as I cannot see it with the default oscommerce core. One instance of the query of the fault comes from the catalog\admin\orders.php. Of course with contributions other queries could be present with the exact field you mentioned.

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