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How do i change the Background


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The background colour is controlled in stylesheet.css, and this is where you can also set up an image as the background.


I'd advise not having a background image within the site itself. Use my Fixed Width Site With CSS (link below my name) and you can fix and centre the website and use a background image outside of the fixed width of the site itself.



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Ok How do i go about Changing the Background... basically i want to use a background image if possible, if not how do i change the bg color? ty!


This is actually documented in osCommerce's on-line documentation.

It's just a little tricky to find, but here is the direct link:


osCommerce On-line Documentation - Syle Sheet Information


I also realized after changing this, that you may also need to edit the following images to match your info box headers:

[path to catalog]/images/infobox/corner_right.gif

[path to catalog]/images/infobox/corner_left.gif

[path to catalog]/images/infobox/corner_right_left.gif

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