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Masking a URL with a Shared SSL


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I wonder if anyone can help - or if I am beyond help!


I have a shared SSL certificate. It is working fine.


My only issue is that I would like the URL to show my shop URL and not the URL of the server on which the shared SSL is located.


In other words, when someone logs in to the site, I want them to see




and not





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No can do. Your customers will get a browser warning saying that the certificate hostname doesn't match the URL.


I would not get too concerned about this. If it really bothers you, find a host that allows you to install your own certificate (and buy one). It will cost more. In my view, customers are used to seeing a different hostname in secure URLs and, as long as the page is secure and seems to be authentic, they don't worry about it.

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No can do.  Your customers will get a browser warning saying that the certificate hostname doesn't match the URL.


I would not get too concerned about this.  If it really bothers you, find a host that allows you to install your own certificate (and buy one).  It will cost more.  In my view, customers are used to seeing a different hostname in secure URLs and, as long as the page is secure and seems to be authentic, they don't worry about it.



Thanks Steve

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