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lb. to kg


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I need to change my default weight type from lb. to kg. I could not find where is it.

please help






there is no default weight unit, the unit is what you want it to be.

some shipping modules display lbs but that is just text in their associated language files. So decide on the unit, change the appropriate language files and use that unit in your product information and shipping tables consistently.


and sometimes you can do things like :


if the weight in grams > 1000 then display (weight/1000) Kg.

Treasurer MFC

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there is no default weight unit, the unit is what you want it to be.

some shipping modules display lbs but that is just text in their associated language files. So decide on the unit, change the appropriate language files and use that unit in your product information and shipping tables consistently.


and sometimes you can do things like :


if the weight in grams > 1000 then display (weight/1000) Kg.




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