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manufacturers drop down box on product list page


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wonder if someone can can help.


when you go to a sub category in my menu it lists a number of relevant products.


for example:




at the top of this page i am getting a manufacturers drop down box (as you can see). instead of this drop down list I want the manufacturers logo's appearing in its place.


hope i have explained this clearly.



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at the top of this page i am getting a manufacturers drop down box


Are you talking about the manufacturer's box with the drop down list or the "Show:" drop down box with the manufacturer list.


The 1st one is in includes\boxes and you have to modify it accordingly like for example print all pictures of manufacturers one below the other


The 2nd one is in the catalog\index.php under the elseif statement ($category_depth == 'products') There you could setup a table row and display all manufacturer pictures with a link behind.

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Are you talking about the manufacturer's box with the drop down list or the "Show:" drop down box with the manufacturer list.


The 1st one is in includes\boxes and you have to modify it accordingly like for example print all pictures of manufacturers one below the other


The 2nd one is in the catalog\index.php under the elseif statement ($category_depth == 'products') There you could setup a table row and display all manufacturer pictures with a link behind.


i am talking about the show: (your 2nd answer). the only thing is in each of my product categories (i have many!) there will be different manufacturers. so i only want the manufacturers listed that are relevant for each category. will this be pretty dificult to do?

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so yes you need to modify your existing query that inserts the manufacturers in that box. The products table has a manufacturer_id field. So you get the ids from it (products table) and retrieve the manufacturer names from the manufacturer table. That query now I believe is set to return all the manufacturers.


If no product in the category has a manufacturer assigned you could simply omit the drop down box from your html.

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