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Sorting Order? Please Help


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I noticed that my products are sorted within the categories by numerical order of price, so it will show them in an order such as this: $100.00, $1000.00, $1200.00, $200.00, $2000.00, $240.00, $300 and so on.


I really need them to sort by the order I add them or even better, if I need to add a product later between two products already there, then that's how i need it to show.


What can I do?

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I noticed that my products are sorted within the categories by numerical order of price, so it will show them in an order such as this:  $100.00, $1000.00, $1200.00, $200.00, $2000.00, $240.00, $300 and so on.


I really need them to sort by the order I add them or even better, if I need to add a product later between two products already there, then that's how i need it to show.


What can I do?


I found a sorting contribution, and it's got an instruction in it I don't know how to do:


It says: You may need to change the configuration_id and the configuration_group_id (8 happens to be the configuration_group_id for product display listing configuration parameters in my database. I don't know if this is standard across all osC deployments.)


How do I do that?

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