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The e-commerce.

Temporary store closure for holidays etc


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Hi all,


I've tried to search on this topic, but not had any luck. What I need to do is find out the best way to suspend ordering on my sites whilst we take holidays etc.

I'd like people to be able to browse still.

I'm not happy excepting orders if nothing will happen with them for 2 weeks whilst I'm sunning myself :)


Any ideas?




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This would be a lot of work if you have a lot of products but there is a "hide buy now and shopping cart" contribution.


can turn on and off from the admin but it is on a per item basis.


This one does it by manufacturer



if you dont use manufacturers they you could add one called "vacation" or something... but then you would have to remove the codes refering to manufacturers throughout the sites main files so people don't see that.



Only ideas I have. Good luck ;)

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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Many thanks for the pointers :thumbsup:


My only problem is thats a heap of work, and well, I guess I'm lazy :-"


Maybe I could just remove all the payment modules, I'll have to test that as I'm not sure what will happen.


Thanks again though, anyone else had this problem?

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You can remove them and there will be no way to pay but if I was a customer I would be mighty ticked off to spend time shopping, then not be able to do anything about it.


You could always just place text on your front page, and probably on all of your checkout pages (sometimes people need to be told more than once) that orders will not be processed until such and such a day.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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