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Odd urls in Tools/whos online

FWR Media

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I'm seeing very odd redirects when I look at Tools/Whos online


They are like this and there's loads of them ..




I'm wondering if someone has hacked a script into the shop.


Where does it go? go to ..



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its possible. check your host's logs who uploaded what. There is an "antivirus" exe to d/l from that site I checked it with what I have but could not see anything with the a/v tools. could be spyware of course. seems suspicious the whois shows the site as "not active"

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its possible. check your host's logs who uploaded what. There is an "antivirus" exe to d/l from that site I checked it with what I have but could not see anything with the a/v tools. could be spyware of course. seems suspicious the whois shows the site as "not active"



I'm new at analysing raw logs .. obviously the vast majority are "GET" what am I looking for?

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Upload a new (default and unedited) root level redirect.php file. Delete the old one first.


Set 'Use Cache' to false in your osC admin panel.


Change the last line of both configure.php files to read 'mysql' where indicated.


These last two will give your site some protection against infected files from other sites contaminating yours. The first one shoud remove any hack from the redirect.php file (if one exists).


Last, but not least, check in your osC admin panel, under Tools --> Server Info which version of php your hosting company is running. If it's anything less than 4.3.10 (patched) then it is vulnerable to hacking.


It does look like a hack.



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We are seeing the same activity - whos online shows the urls requested as:





Access Log shows:


[01/Sep/2005:19:09:05 -0400] "GET /catalog/redirect.php?action=url&goto=ourwebsite.com/catalog/redirect.php%3faction=url%26goto=nextermest%252ecom HTTP/1.1" 302 38 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)" "osCsid=4314bf9cdeac687fa8585fe70d6c48ce"


So it looks like they are trying to redirect from a redirect... probing for vunerabilities?


Any greater php gurus out there able to work out if there is a vunerability that needs plugging?




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Thanks for the reply, I'm still confused however.



Upload a new (default and unedited) root level redirect.php file.  Delete the old one first.


Why? if it's been altered i need to know how.


Set 'Use Cache' to false in your osC admin panel.


Already was set to false


Change the last line of both configure.php files to read 'mysql' where indicated.


I was already using database driven sessions.


Last, but not least, check in your osC admin panel, under Tools --> Server Info which version of php your hosting company is running.  If it's anything less than 4.3.10 (patched) then it is vulnerable to hacking.


It does look like a hack.




I am using 4.4.0

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