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Problems with sessions!!!


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I'm having a problem with sessions...

There is a warning in the index page:

Warning: The sessions directory does not exist: /tmp. Sessions will not work until this directory is created.


I've created many directories called tmp in almost every directory in the catalog, but it still doesn't work...


I'd appreciate if anyone helps me!!!!



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I'm having a problem with sessions...

There is a warning in the index page:

Warning: The sessions directory does not exist: /tmp. Sessions will not work until this directory is created.


I've created many directories called tmp in almost every directory in the catalog, but it still doesn't work...


I'd appreciate if anyone helps me!!!!





c'mon guys... need some help here!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

have you tried creating /tmp off the root directory.


or change the sessions directory to be the path to the directory.


eg: if you have your site in /var/www/site/catalog


and you want your sessions to be stored there then create tmp


and call the sessions directory /var/www/site/catalog/tmp


regs, Mikkatec

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have you tried creating /tmp off the root directory.


or change the sessions directory to be the path to the directory.


eg: if you have your site in /var/www/site/catalog


and you want your sessions to be stored there then create tmp


and call the sessions directory /var/www/site/catalog/tmp


regs, Mikkatec

that will do the job and don?t forget to chmod to 0777 or the next warining will arise


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You don't ever want to be storing session data in a subdirectory of your webroot as it is then potentially world-readable.


Either store session files "below" your webroot, eg "home/yourusername/sessions"

or change your configure.php file to store session data in your MySQL database.

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You don't ever want to be storing session data in a subdirectory of your webroot as it is then potentially world-readable.


Either store session files "below" your webroot, eg "home/yourusername/sessions"

or change your configure.php file to store session data in your MySQL database.


Is this Give A Complicated Answer To A Simple Question Day or what?


in catalog/includes/configure.php


change the very last line to:


define('STORE_SESSIONS', 'mysql'); // leave empty '' for default handler or set to 'mysql'

Local: Mac OS X 10.5.8 - Apache 2.2/php 5.3.0/MySQL 5.4.10 • Web Servers: Linux

Tools: BBEdit, Coda, Versions (Subversion), Sequel Pro (db management)

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Errr, wasn't that what I said here:


"or change your configure.php file to store session data in your MySQL database."


The option is there to store sessions in files for various reasons, not least of which being that it reduces the load on the mysql server and is faster as there are no user defined "hook" functions creating overhead for php's session engine.


It's always good to be educated on the pros and cons of various approaches before blindly saying "do this"...

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Thx, I've set configure.php to store my sessions in mysql...

It fixed the problem...

But still didn't understand what is this CHMOD thing.... And why do I have to change it...

Could someone clear it out for me, please?!

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chmod is a command line input thet will set the permissions for a specific file or folder. eg. when you want to make a backup of the db from admin tools abd you have not set the permission to write in the specific folder /catalog/admin/backup you will receive a warning like backup directory is not writable.


per missions are always set for owner user others and 777 means all of the may read write and execute


try a google serach on chmod


hope that clears the 'foggyness' of my anotation



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thx Dahui...


But where do I change this?

Does it work only in Linux? My webserver is a win server...


oh I see,yes chmod is a unix command and wil not work with windows. I am very sorry but as a win server is not my deal I cannot help how to set permission




btw may I ask why you choose win

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