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The e-commerce.

Download by Redirect; downloading in general


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I wanted to use oscommerce to have my customers download any software we sell on our website, however i dont think it would be a good idea to keep those downloads in the same area as the server. I was wondering, what exactly does "download by redirect" mean, since the documentation on it is pretty nil, other then "dont use on non-unix platforms", that doesnt tell me much. What i would like to do is this scenerio:


1.user chooses software she wants to buy

2. user buys software.

3. after user has bought software, she will be redirected to another server where she can download the software, or, sent a link with a username and password in her email to where she can get the song.


are there any modules/contributions/something im not seeing that do that?

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I wanted to use oscommerce to have my customers download any software we sell on our website, however i dont think it would be a good idea to keep those downloads in the same area as the server. I was wondering, what exactly does "download by redirect" mean, since the documentation on it is pretty nil, other then "dont use on non-unix platforms", that doesnt tell me much. What i would like to do is this scenerio:


1.user chooses software she wants to buy

2. user buys software.

3. after user has bought software, she will be redirected to another server where she can download the software, or, sent a link with a username and password in her email to where she can get the song.


are there any modules/contributions/something im not seeing that do that?


Did I post this in the wrong area or something?

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