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Help with page width problem


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Sometimes my index page expands to be wider than the browser window and places a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom. This seems to happen when I return to the page with the back button, but happens at other times as well. If I refresh the page, it will return to the size of the browser window as it should be.


Any ideas what I can do?




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Sometimes my index page expands to be wider than the browser window and places a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom. This seems to happen when I return to the page with the back button, but happens at other times as well. If I refresh the page, it will return to the size of the browser window as it should be.


Any ideas what I can do?




Can anyone help with this? It really messes things up aesthetically by pushing content off the screen to the right.



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Sometimes my index page expands to be wider than the browser window and places a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom. This seems to happen when I return to the page with the back button, but happens at other times as well. If I refresh the page, it will return to the size of the browser window as it should be.


Any ideas what I can do?




Still hoping for a solution...

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check your index.php for html errors I see double !doctype, <head> definitions


It appears that the doctype is repeated because it is in both index.php and header.php.


Is that wrong? Please bear in mind that I am primarily an artist with just enough knowledge of programming to cause trouble.


I also validated the page and found 61 errors (not surprising given the amount of mods I made and my limit skills). About 1/3 of them were in the first 20 or so lines that were duplicated in index and header. Another 1/3 related to "osCsid" (session ID?). I'll go through the rest, but I thought this info might help you analyze this.

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you should have one header one body one doctype. The validator relies on this and therefore would give plenty of bogus info further down.


and your includes\header.php should not have any of these defs (at least the default core is like that)

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Your problem is most likely just that the page just won't fit. Your left and right columns are set to 175 and the images in the center of your home page are 100 each. So that is 850. Once oyu figure in the other miscellaeous items, the total width is probably around 900. Try displaying only 3 or 4 images in one row and see if that helps.



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