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The file should have 644 permissions, which means that only your account can edit the file.

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How do I prevent people from opening up this page and making changes:




Can I password protect?  Thanks for you help.



Files are all 644 and just had my friend go in and he was able to make changes to the files.

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ask your host :D but basically for my case i have an option with the host panel to password protect a directory. That in turn creates an password file that places encrypted username/password info

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ask your host :D  but basically for my case i have an option with the host panel to password protect a directory. That in turn creates an password file that places encrypted username/password info


Thank you very much. That did the trick. I was able to do with my control panel.

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ask your host :D  but basically for my case i have an option with the host panel to password protect a directory. That in turn creates an password file that places encrypted username/password info


i tried setting htaccess but after which i cannot access the files in admin, I have the username and password but whenever i go to the page, they just deny access without asking for username and password.

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i tried setting htaccess but after which i cannot access the files in admin, I have the username and password but whenever i go to the page, they just deny access without asking for username and password.


I was refering that you need the .htpasswd file. That is created by your host's control panel usually to lock a dir.

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